
Robin has managed to create a beautiful curriculum that encourages self-love, understanding, patience, and empowerment. I had the blessing to participate in the Embody the Goddess immersion retreat and it was a life-changing experience. This was a weekend of self-care, self-love, and self-exploration through activities, discussions, meals, and experiences. Not only was it an amazing experience inwardly, but we also created strong bonds with each other. I was really needing a female community for support, and I feel like this retreat brought me to the perfect people. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have participated in such an amazing immersion and I cannot wait until the next one!
— SD
I didn’t know what to expect, and I don’t know how to explain the experience. This was a space that created such a deep memory for me that will be life lasting!
— anonymous
Robin created and led a phenomenal retreat. It was exactly what I needed. It re-emphasized how special and important it is to spend time cultivating relationships with other women. We all need each other. We are never alone and in fact, struggle and are faced with so many similar challenges in our lives. It was so nice to get away, eat delicious food, have nourishing conversations, connect with nature, and leave all other life distractions behind. It was the perfect get away! I came back feeling grounded, free, and with a deeper sense of connection.
— embody the goddess participant

 Yoga nidra reviews

“Robin is a calming force of natural spoken beauty and rest. Her words, tone, rhythm, and presence give way to a beautiful yoga nidra session. Her sessions have been helping me through a high stress life transition and I am so grateful to her. I would highly recommend her to all and plan to continue this practice with her to help myself find rest, balance, and calm my anxieties.”

“Robin's Yoga Nidra was just what I needed to help calm my mind and work through some life transitions. It was my first time trying Yoga Nidra and the visualizations brought me so much joy and warmth that lasted with me through the day. Robin you are the best!”

“Robin is a wondaful teacher. She has a calm and soothing voice which lends to an easy and open transition into Nidra”

“I recently moved from Texas to Colorado and left a job after 10 years. I am beyond happy with my decision. and excited for the future. But I struggle with stress and anxiety and use mediation and yoga as healing agents to guide me through any episode that occurs. Yoga Nidra is the ultimate state of relaxation and I am so grateful for Robin and this practice I feel doors have opened with my meditation practice because of this experience.”