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The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.
— Henry David Thoreau
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Robin is an experienced yoga and meditation teacher with over 1,000 hours of yoga training in the US, Europe, and Asia, and 1,800 hours of integrative holistic coaching. She began teaching in 2012, and has mentored and helped train over 100 new yoga teachers. Robin has been influenced by many teachers, including Dr. Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, Robert Boustany, Dr. Douglas Brooks and Amy Ippoliti. Her classes are thoughtfully sequenced and integrate life-affirming yogic philosophy, somatics, and breathwork. She teaches alignment-based flow, gentle, prenatal, restorative, and yoga nidra.

To Robin, the practice of yoga is a metaphor for life: as we overcome obstacles on our mats, we can begin to uncover all of the possibilities in our lives. Yoga is a practical tool for experiencing intimacy with ourselves, and all of life.

Robin's purpose is to guide students to listen to the wisdom of the body, to explore the healing power of rest and the liberating experience of movement.

Integrative Holistic coaching

Integrative Holistic Coaching is the method of exploring all of the areas of the client’s life (health, career, relationships, finances, spirituality, etc) in order to heal and transform limiting beliefs, while ultimately uncovering the client’s unique gifts and talents. This is not a diagnostic approach, but rather a partnership that enables the client to become accountable and clear. As an Integrative Holistic Coach, I use proven tools and curriculum to help the client discover and remove their blocks and create a life that not only functions, but thrives.